Tom and I have been married for 20 years yesterday-Oct. 22, 1988. It seems just like yesterday that I stood in the back of the church with my stepdad Paul with tears pooled in my eyes and ready to roll. I tried so hard not to let that happen when Paul said to me "You've got a good man there and he loves you very much. If there is ever anything you guys need just ask. Me and your Mother love you and CJ very much and we love Tom and we believe that he will take care of both of you." It was then that those tears fell like a waterfall and I couldn't stop them. I was scared to death because I had been married before and CJ (my daughter) is from that marriage. Time seemed to stand still as I walked down the isle. I was praying and asking God to drop a scroll with answer to my question.."Am I doing the right thing God?" By the time I got there and stood before Tom, he looked at me I knew then that this was good and God answered my prayer. Tom and I say our vows to one another and we said vows to CJ before God and the entire church.
When Verlyn said, "You may kiss the bride," I felt light as a feather and happy! God is so good!!!....when we turned around and there were all those people smiling and crying I fell apart and cried because Verlyn announced "I would like to introduce you ladies and gentlemen---Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Potgeter. I still look at Tom sometimes (when he's not looking) and think how lucky CJ and I am......Kae:)
October 23, 2008
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Awww! You are making me teary! What a sweet post. You better make sure Tom reads it too! Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!! Excuse me while I go wipe my eyes and blow my nose... So touching!!
What a sweet love story. Happy Anniversary Kae. I wish you many more years of happiness.
Hugs. Lisa
I've been reading through some of your older post...we have experienced such similiar events in our lives....
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