My Tip for Tuesday is cleaning your window screens with a dryer sheet. It doesn't have to be an expensive brand. Just wipe the screen off with the dryer sheet and watch the dirt disappear. I also tried it with a slightly used one and it worked however it didn't last as long....happy cleaning......k
I never heard of this before, but it sounds good. I'll have to try it. PS - I hope you don't mind - I put your link on Sandra's page for others to see this tip.
Thanks for the this tip. I will be trying this one for sure. To answer your question most people say my girls do favor me more so since they became teens.Thank you for your kind comments. You are a Blessing. Big Hugs. Lisa
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
Hello, My name is Kae and I have many blessings to share. My husband Tom is my best friend, We have 3 daughters. They are Courtney (we call her CJ), Andrea(sometimes called Andi) and then there is Brianna. Age 15 sophmore in highschool. We call her Brianna.
I never heard of this before, but it sounds good. I'll have to try it.
PS - I hope you don't mind - I put your link on Sandra's page for others to see this tip.
Great tip! Thanks for sharing.
I have really dirty screens and lots of dryer sheets I plan to try this one!!! Thanks
I have never heard of this, but I'm definitely trying. :)
Oh this is great! Definitely going to try this.
Thanks for the this tip. I will be trying this one for sure. To answer your question most people say my girls do favor me more so since they became teens.Thank you for your kind comments. You are a Blessing. Big Hugs. Lisa
That does sound like a good tip. Will have to try it.
Maybe your daughters know my daughter Amanda Burgdorfer
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